Infographic: 5 litter box training tips for your cats

Infographic: 5 litter box training tips for your cats

Cats are tidy and they instinctively bury their waste. Because of this natural trait, teaching your feline companion to use the litter box can be an easy task. But then, you may still encounter challenges depending on your cat’s personality and...
Infographic: Decoding your cat’s tail language

Infographic: Decoding your cat’s tail language

Cats don’t talk, but they do send signals and communicate with us in their own special way. Your cat’s eyes, ears, and the sounds she makes are good indicators of how she currently feels. In the same way, the position of your cat’s tail can...
Infographic: 6 herbs that dogs and cats love

Infographic: 6 herbs that dogs and cats love

Aside from flavor, herbs offer a whole lot of nutrients that our fur-babies can benefit from.   Make their mealtime more appetizing and nutritious by adding the following six healthy herbs in their food!  BASIL  With Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, and Potassium, basil...
Infographic: Human teeth VS dog teeth

Infographic: Human teeth VS dog teeth

Dog’s teeth differ so much in appearance and structure compared to ours. Interestingly though, we humans share similar dental features with our furry buddies.   Human teeth vs. Dog teeth  Dogs have 42 teeth in total, which is 10 times more than the number of...
How healthy poop looks like

How healthy poop looks like

Your pet’s stool says a lot about his nutrition and health.   As a pet parent, take time to observe your pet’s stool and his behavior when taking a number 2 because it can tell you a lot about his digestive health.  Remember to look out for the following in your...